Nouvelle donne #7 : training

Let’s discover in the 7th episode of the podcast series “Nouvelle donne” the promises and challenges of training.

Published on 22 July 2020

For 9 out of 10 HRDs, developing the skills of their employees is one of the main priorities of their talent management policy. Let’s discover in the 7th episode of Nouvelle donne the promises and challenges of training.

What is the place of the human factor in companies today?

In all the rankings, it is clear that the best valued companies today, the most successful, are those that pay particular attention to their human capital.

And today, the development of human capital largely involves the development of skills.


Skills development is the most credible HR promise a company can make to its employees. Bruno Mettling

What can the company do to guide individuals in their development and boost the growth of its human capital?

  1. Rely on the most advanced employees, those who already manage their human capital,
  2. Don’t leave any employee out,
  3. Anticipating key competences to guide individuals’ choices.
Published on 22 July 2020