Nouvelle donne #3 : teleworking

During the lockdown, more than one in three employees were teleworking and for half of them it was a first. Telework is the subject of the 4th New Deal podcast

Published on 16 June 2020

During the lockdown, more than one in three employees were teleworking and for half of them this was a first time.

Telework exploded during the lockdown period. According to l’ANACT, 42% of French employees had never worked remotely before the lockdown and in April, 85% of the workforce was teleworking.

Unimaginable numbers before containment?

Yes indeed. Even if telework was introduced suddenly and under duress, many barriers have fallen under it:

  • regulatory barriers,
  • technological barriers,
  • and especially the psychological barriers.


"The fact that telework and productivity rhyme positively is becoming established within companies" Bruno Mettling

And how did employees experience teleworking?

Quite well if you look at most of the studies. Throughout this period, 80% of teleworkers were satisfied with this way of working (Etude Kantar) and 88% said they wanted to continue after the confinement.

However, it is agreed that urgent telework does not necessarily reflect good practice in telework with remote management, appropriate equipment and a clear framework.

Published on 16 June 2020